Sunday, 5 August 2012

Episode Review: More Like Alicia

More Like Alicia: Through Thick and Thin 30#

 I stumbled across this episode again the other day whilst browsing through some older albums from (as The Old Judge likes to say-) "The Herlinger Era". Of course, I had to give it another listening since I hadn't listened to it in quite a long while. And now I've decided maybe I'd do a review...
  While More Like Alicia is definitely not one of what I would consider one of Marshal Younger's better writings- but it is still a good, wholesome episode. Hitting soundly and simply on the subject that nearly every being struggles with, at least in one point of life or another- Satisfaction With Who You Are; Choosing Good Influences 
  Heather finds herself lab partners with Alicia, the most popular girl in the school. Alicia is confident, sure of herself- always the center of attention. And, as Heather said when talking to Mr. Whittaker::

   "The newspaper staff did a poll a few weeks ago. Alicia won the awards for prettiest, most intelligent, most athletic and most likely to ride in a parade float."

   Seeking Alicia's friendship- Heather watches her every move and action- hoping to become more like her...even risking her relationship with Julie, her best friend, to become more like Alicia. But sometimes we discover that the people we find ourselves admiring and desiring to be like...aren't always quite what we want for ourselves afterall. Heather learns this after having the opportunity to be Alicia for an entire evening!

  Overall- I thoroughly enjoyed this I can somewhat relate it to my life at times.
 Anyways, in rating- I'll give this episode 3/5. As a side note, I must add that I was rather impressed with the actress portraying Alicia...she did a fabulous job at capturing the attitude and snobbish air of the character. The monotone voice of the biology teacher I found rather irritating though.  The episode seemed a little more childish, but could be focused to any age, really.

Hope you enjoyed my rather quick review- if you haven't listened to this episode yet- then go do so...and if you have, then please- share your thoughts.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you dear Suzylou. I personally enjoyed this episode a lot. I listened to it over and over while the power was out one night.
